Through two separate funds,  the Jim Moulton Trojan Fund and the Trojan Family Fund, we award thousands of dollars in grants to fund classroom and special projects, needs-based assistance, and student enrichment each year.

Jim Moulton Trojan Fund

The Jim Moulton Trojan Fund supports Longmont High School educators and classrooms. Throughout each school year teachers apply for Classroom Enhancement Grants to bring innovative tools for instruction to their students that fills a void or challenges students with enhanced learning opportunities.


Trojan Family Fund

The Trojan Family Fund provides assistance to Longmont High School students in crisis or those who need support in securing necessary fees, uniforms or equipment in order to participate in LHS extra-curricular activities, clubs or sports.

These Funds are sustained through individual and corporate donations, the LHS Alumni Association, grants and special events. Please consider making a difference to students and educators at Longmont High by making a tax-deductible donation, hosting a fundraising event, becoming a business sponsor or including LHSEF into your planned giving. 

Rest assured your donations are used wisely. Full financial disclosures are available through our 990 filings below. 

Longmont High School Education Foundation Inc - Full Filing- Nonprofit Explorer - ProPublica.pdf
Longmont High School Education Foundation Inc - Full Filing- Nonprofit Explorer - ProPublica.pdf